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USE 0.1.5

  • fixing bug on the paSampling’s convex hull section

USE 0.1.4

  • Update uniformSampling function with a check for pseudo-replicates

USE 0.1.3

  • Update rastPCA function following the suggestions of the user; fixed error in the calculation of the covariance matrix mean

USE 0.1.2

  • Update rastPCA function with a custom version of princomp

USE 0.1.1

  • Adding thresh.inspect function to investigate the effect of the kernel threshold on the partition of the environmental space.

USE 0.1.0

  • Changing the filter on the presences applied to the kernel density: in USE v0.0.0.9000, the kernel density was computed using all the pixels in the whole environmental space and then a filter was applied to the PC-scores associated with the presences. In the new version, the kernel density is computed only in the environmental space associated with the presence observations.
  • Adding the rastPCA function to compute a PCA on SpatRaster and Raster objects.
  • Dependency from RSToolbox removed


  • First release