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This vignette shows the different functionalities, as well as related practical examples, of the USE package.

1. Create Virtual Species

First, download the bioclimatic variables from WorldClim and crop them to the European extent.

Worldclim <- geodata::worldclim_global(var='bio', res=10, path=getwd()) 
envData <- terra::crop(Worldclim, terra::ext(-12, 25, 36, 60))

Then, generate a virtual species using the bioclimatic variables downloaded in the previous step. For details about the methodology used to create a virtual species, see the vignette of the virtualspecies R package.

#create virtual species
myRandNum <- sample(1:19,size=5, replace = FALSE)
envData <- envData[[myRandNum]]
random.sp <- virtualspecies::generateRandomSp(envData, 
                                     = FALSE, 
                                              species.type = "additive",
                                              realistic.sp = TRUE, 
                                              plot = FALSE)
#reclassify suitability raster using a probability conversion rule
new.pres <- virtualspecies::convertToPA(x=random.sp, 
                      alpha = -0.05, plot = FALSE)
#Sample true occurrences
presence.points <- virtualspecies::sampleOccurrences(new.pres,
                                     n = 300, # The number of points to sample
                                     type = "presence-absence",
                                     sample.prevalence = 0.6,
                                     detection.probability = 1,
                            = TRUE,
                                     plot = TRUE)  

Generate a presence-only data set.

myPres <- presence.points$sample.points[which(presence.points$sample.points$Observed==1), c( "x", "y",  "Observed")]
myPres <- st_as_sf(myPres, coords=c("x", "y"), crs=4326)

2. Generating the environmental space

First, the environmental space is generated by performing a principal component analysis (PCA) on a raster stack that includes the selected spatial environmental layers (such as precipitation and temperature). In practice, the PCA operates on the values of the environmental conditions linked to the pixels of the spatial environmental layers. Next, the first two principal components are extracted from the PCA to create a two-dimensional environmental space (it’s important to note that the current version of USE only supports uniform sampling in two dimensions).

Once the two principal components are obtained, a new “spatial object” is created, with the PC-scores (which represent the projection of the environmental pixels within the two-dimensional space) serving as the object’s coordinates. This object is then scanned systematically to gather pseudo-absences. It’s worth mentioning that, at this stage, all PC-scores, except those associated with the presence of the virtual species, are considered potential pseudo-absences.

The function USE::optimRes can be used to find the optimal resolution (i.e., the one providing the best trade-off between a fine resolution and the overfitting of the environmental space) of the sampling grid that will be used to collect the pseudo-absences within the environmental space (see below).

rpc <- rastPCA(envData, stand = TRUE)
dt <- na.omit($PCs[[c("PC1", "PC2")]], xy = TRUE))
dt <- sf::st_as_sf(dt, coords = c("PC1", "PC2"))
myRes <- USE::optimRes(sdf=dt,
                    perc.thr = 20,
                    showOpt = TRUE, 

## [1] 5

3. Uniform sampling of the environmental space

To provide a clear example, the function USE::uniformSampling is utilized below to systematically search through the environmental space and gather a specific number of observations from each cell within the sampling grid. The resolution of this grid was determined beforehand using the USE::optimRes function. It’s important to note that in the given example, both the presences and pseudo-absences of the virtual species are potentially sampled by the USE::uniformSampling function, as the main purpose is to demonstrate its operation. In the subsequent section, the USE::uniformSampling function will be internally called by USE::paSampling, exclusively focusing on sampling pseudo-absences.

myObs <- USE::uniformSampling(sdf=dt, 
                     = 5,
                              sub.ts = TRUE,
                              n.ts = 2,
                              plot_proc = FALSE)

Have a look at the observations sampled using USE::uniformSampling

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -2.51107 ymin: -3.288937 xmax: -0.4052154 ymax: -2.683561
## CRS:           NA
##               x        y    ID                     geometry
## 21228 -3.750000 43.41667 21228   POINT (-2.51107 -2.732245)
## 21229 -3.583333 43.41667 21229  POINT (-2.380254 -2.724758)
## 8783  -9.250000 53.08333  8783 POINT (-0.8998304 -2.970903)
## 10100 -3.750000 52.08333 10100 POINT (-0.4052154 -2.683561)
## 2601  -5.250000 57.91667  2601 POINT (-0.6417641 -3.288937)
## 8585  -6.583333 53.25000  8585  POINT (-1.002097 -2.744004)

Visualizing the coordinates (PC-scores) of the observations sampled in the environmental space using USE::uniformSampling demonstrates the effectiveness of uniformly sampling the environmental space. This approach enables the collection of data that accurately represents the entire range of environmental gradients. Moreover, it mitigates the influence of “sample location bias,” which arises from randomly sampling observations in the geographical space and often results in an overrepresentation of the most frequently encountered environmental conditions. Uniform sampling mitigates the adverse impact of sample location bias, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of environmental variations.

env_pca <- c(rpc$PCs$PC1, rpc$PCs$PC2)
env_pca <- na.omit(

ggplot(env_pca, aes(x=PC1))+
  geom_density(aes(color="Environment"), linewidth=1 )+
               aes(x=X,  color="Uniform"), linewidth=1)+
                     values=c('Environment'='#1E88E5', 'Uniform'='#D81B60'))+     
  labs(y="Density of PC-scores")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",  
        text = element_text(size=14),  

ggplot(env_pca, aes(x=PC2))+
  geom_density(aes(color="Environment"), linewidth=1 )+
               aes(x=Y,  color="Uniform"), size=1)+
                     values=c('Environment'='#1E88E5', 'Uniform'='#D81B60'))+     
  labs(y="Density of PC-scores")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",  
        text = element_text(size=14),  

4. Uniform sampling of the pseudo-absences within the environmental space

The USE::paSampling function performs the uniform sampling of the pseudo-absences within the environmental space through a 2-step procedure:

  • First, a kernel-based filter is used to exclude from the environmental space observations associated with environmental conditions that are more likely to be suitable for the species. To identify those conditions, the kernel-based filter uses information about the environmental conditions where the species is present (i.e., presence locations). In a nutshell, kernel density estimation is used to derive the probability density function of the observations associated with the presence of the virtual species within the 2-dimensional environmental space. The observations associated with a probability equal to or greater than a given threshold (by default set to 0.75 in USE::paSampling) are deemed to feature suitable environmental conditions for the species. All observations within the space characterized by this combination of environmental conditions have therefore to be excluded from the subsequent step, namely the uniform sampling of the pseudo-absences, to reduce the number of false-absences introduced in the dataset used to train (and test) the species distribution model. To this aim, a convex hull is built to delimit the areas identified by the kernel-filter as those potentially featuring suitable conditions for the virtual species, and all observations (i.e., PC-scores) within the convex hull are excluded from the environmental space;

  • Second, the environmental space is systematically scanned to uniformly sample the remaining observations, specifically those located outside the convex hull established in the previous step. These sampled observations constitute the set of pseudo-absences employed for training and testing the species distribution model. This second step is carried out with by the USE::paSampling function (internally called by USE::paSampling). Pseudo-absences are randomly sampled within each cell of the sampling grid mentioned in the previous section.

myGrid.psAbs <- USE::paSampling(env.rast=envData,
                       = 5,

Visualizing the coordinates (PC-scores) of the pseudo-absences sampled in the environmental space using USE::paSampling

ggplot(env_pca, aes(x=PC1))+
  geom_density(aes(color="Environment"), linewidth=1 )+
               aes(x=X,  color="Uniform"), linewidth=1)+
  geom_density(data=terra::extract(c(rpc$PCs$PC1, rpc$PCs$PC2), myPres, df=TRUE), 
               aes(x=PC1, color="Presence"), linewidth=1 )+
                     values=c('Environment'='#1E88E5', 'Uniform'='#D81B60', "Presence"="black"))+     
  labs(y="Density of PC-scores")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",  
        text = element_text(size=14),  

ggplot(env_pca, aes(x=PC2))+
  geom_density(aes(color="Environment"), linewidth=1 )+
               aes(x=Y,  color="Uniform"), linewidth=1)+
  geom_density(data=terra::extract(c(rpc$PCs$PC1, rpc$PCs$PC2), myPres, df=TRUE), 
               aes(x=PC2, color="Presence"), linewidth=1 )+
                     values=c('Environment'='#1E88E5', 'Uniform'='#D81B60', "Presence"="black"))+     
  labs(y="Density of PC-scores")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",  
        text = element_text(size=14),  

Visualizing the geographic coordinates of the pseudo-absences sampled in the environmental space using USE::paSampling

  tidyterra::geom_spatraster(data = new.pres$pa.raster)+
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "transparent", breaks=c(0,1)) +
          aes(color= "Presences"), 
          alpha=1, size=2, shape= 19)+
                        coords = c("x","y"), crs=4326), 
          alpha=0.8, size=2, shape = 19 )+
       fill="Virtual species")+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",  
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        text = element_text(size=14),  
        aspect.ratio = 1, 
        panel.spacing.y = unit(2, "lines"))

5. Effect of the kernel density threshold on the environmental sub-space sampled to collect pseudo-absences

Knowing how USE::paSampling operates evidences the importance of carefully selecting a meaningful threshold for the kernel density estimation to delimit the environmental sub-space for the uniform sampling. However, visualizing the impact of different threshold selections can be challenging. To address this, we have incorporated the USE::thresh.inspect function. This function generates plots that depict the entire environmental space alongside the portion that would be excluded based on a specific kernel density threshold.

By experimenting with various threshold values, users can observe how each selection affects the delineated area for collecting pseudo-absences. In general, opting for a lower threshold value leads to the exclusion of a larger portion of the environmental space. By allowing users to freely determine the threshold value for the kernel-based filter, USE enables the handling of pseudo-absence sampling under diverse ecological scenarios, such as those involving generalist or specialist species or sink populations.

                    thres=c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9),